Wellness Domains
Social, Intellectual, Environmental
Exercise environmental thrift by regrowing green onions and celery after using the bulk of them for a meal.
Group Size | Time of Day | Duration | Acuity Level |
1 on 1 Small (2 - 4) Medium (5 - 8) |
Morning Afternoon |
15 minutes | Skilled Nursing/Rehab |
Facilitator | Gender | ||
Any | Coed |
Social, Intellectual, Environmental
Anxiety, Dementia, Depression, Mobility Loss
Let staff do the cutting. Place the glasses or bowls in a place people can reach them easily. Provide cueing and use hand-over-hand method as needed.
This activity can be modified to observe social distancing. For group activity, use room large enough to accommodate social distancing. For a one-on-one program, bring materials in room.
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