
Our Preference Based Living team has created Individualized Positive Psychosocial Interventions, or IPPIs for short, to support provider communities as part of their journey to providing person-centered care. IPPIs are flexible activities that can be done in as little as 10 minutes, but if the resident is enjoying it then they can go longer. Anyone can perform an IPPI activity with a resident who has varying levels of dementia. Residents will first be interviewed about their personal preferences and preferred activities, based on their answers, IPPIs are chosen to meet the resident’s personal needs and preferences. IPPIs were designed to increase instances of positive interactions, strengthen connections between direct care workers and residents, increase positive moods, and decrease negative behaviors. We suggest doing an IPPI activity with a resident when there is downtime as a preventative measure, or when a resident is exhibiting behaviors of distress and could benefit from a more personalized intervention. The resident identified keeping up with the news as a preference


Instructions for this activity can be found here.

Group Size Time of Day Duration Acuity Level
1 on 1 Any 15 minutes Assisted Living
Memory Care
Skilled Nursing/Rehab
Facilitator Gender
Any Coed
Wellness Domains

Social, Emotional, Intellectual

  • Assistive devices, as needed:
    • Resident's glasses or magnifying glass
    • Hearing aids
    • Walker
    • Other assistive devices
  • Wipes
  • Newspaper or magazine
  • Device to read the news
    • tablet, such as an iPad or Kindle
    • Computer
  • Feeling Faces Emotion Assessment form
Supporting Research

Kimberly S. Van Haitsma, Kimberly Curyto, Katherine M. Abbott, Gail L. Towsley, Abby Spector, Morton Kleban, A Randomized Controlled Trial for an Individualized Positive Psychosocial Intervention for the Affective and Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia in Nursing Home Residents, The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, Volume 70, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 35–45,



Good For

Anxiety, Dementia, Depression, Isolation, Mobility Loss, Sundowning


Modifications for this activity can be found here.

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